
Thursday, June 28, 2007


Oh.... I am sick today! I caught some icky summer stomach thing. I just want to rest.....but not today. My kids graduate from swim lessons today, my house needs to be cleaned and I am supposed to go to a BBQ tonight (I may not go to the bbq now).

Moms don't have time to be sick, especially in the summer!


carrie said...

something must be going around. My Josh was throwing up yesterday. I hope you feel better soon.

Melissa said...

I'm so sorry you are/were sick (I'm a day late here...)

Becky said...

Thanks... I thought I was getting better yesterday, but hit me again last night and this morning. I am feeling better now. I just need to watch what I eat for a while i guess.... The sad thing...... I think my little girl is getting it now.... argh!!!!!!