
Thursday, August 23, 2007

My baby is 1!

I can't believe it! It seems like she was just born yesterday! This last year has been such a delight! It is so special to have a little princess among many princes! Happy Birthday Princess!


B said...

She's Adorable!!! She is indeed a princess! You are very blessed.
We've been missing you on the blogger. I check your site every day, but not much going on over there. I know you're busy with schooling your kids, plus with a one year old, who has time to do anything, huh!
Congrats on your little princess being a whole year old.
:D Brenda

Becky said...

I know...things have been so incredibly busy...I have had company in town, my baby in the hospital, Home school, and my boy with PDD has been accepted into an awesome school! I have been running around like crazy. I am hoping that things settle down soon, and I can get back to blogging! I miss you all too!

carrie said...

Happy Birthday to your adorable little princess.

Jean Knee said...

she's so little! and cute as a button (my Lean hates when I say that)
are you sure you want to do Hawaiian? princess would fit her to a t. what age kids or whatever will be there?

Melissa said...

She is so sweet!! That little blue dress - DARLING! Did you make it??? So cute!
Happy Birthday Little Princess!
(and wahoo on the new school for your son :D)

Becky said...

Carronin- Thank you!

JK- I wanted to do a Princess party...but her brothers all cried... Considering that she doesn't really have any friends yet, we only have brothers and cousins(who are mostly boys{except 2})coming, we decided to do "princess" when she gets older, and Hawaiian this year. The problem is, the party is tomorrow.... and I have no ideas! yikes!

Melissa- Thanks! NO, I wish that I could sew...but I can not. I bought the dress at The Childrens Place..... my 2yr old son has the matching shirt.... SO CUTE when they match!

Chellie said...

She's a little beauty! Happy Birthday!

Jean Knee said...

where are the party pics????