
Saturday, June 16, 2007

Happy Fathers day!

To my Dad: Thank you for raising me to be the women that I am today. Maybe I grew up a little different than everyone else. I am grateful for that! Those things made me who I am today. You gave me the ability to cherish people and their differences. You taught me to prefer a little controversy, and not to do things just because "everyone else does".

I loved our Sunday hikes in the mountains when we were kids, those gave me a wonderful appreciating for nature and the beauty that God gave us to enjoy. You were the strongest man I knew..... always willing to scare the monsters, ghosts, and "Peeping Tom's" (Yes, we had real "Peeping Toms") away from my room.

Maybe at one time, I disliked the things that you would do to embarrass me when I was a teenager. Now, those make the best stories to tell my friends..... I love and cherish those memories(I hope that my kids can cherish that too).

I want you to know that I had a wonderful child hood, full of diversity, great memories and stories. I wouldn't have it any other way. I am grateful to our Heavenly Father for giving me such a smart, strong and loving Dad. I love you Dad!

To my father in law: I am grateful to you for raising my thoughtful and caring husband. He loves you so much. He looks up to you in every way, and strives to be as good of a father to these kids, as you were, and are to him. You have helped us in so many ways, I am so grateful to you for everything that you do for your family. You are very thoughtful, and understanding. I feel so lucky to have married into such a close and special family. I am eternally grateful to you for my husband.

To my husband: Words can not explain it. What an amazing person. I was a single mother of 3 children when I met and married him. He jumped right into fatherhood. He loves those 3 boys so much, and considers them his own. He has blessed me with me with 2 more beautiful children. I want to thank him for being open minded and willing to look at things from my point of view. He works so hard for our family, and though he complains about work, he never complains that he has to work. He loves providing for our family. I am thankful that it is him whose hand I will be holding tight for eternity. I want to thank him for his patience and love. I want him to know that I love him very much, and am grateful for the kind and loving man that he is. I Love you, Jay!


granpa Spike said...

I loved what you said it made me cry. Which is not too different from when you were growing up 'cept then you made me cry for a whole butt load of differernt reasons. I was just telling Nancy tonight when we went grocery shopping that I really missed when you kids were in the 6-16 age range it was such fun. I really miss it alot. Granpa

B said...

Here are a couple of websites that have castle cakes that are made by regular people, not professional cake decorators. One is for a Cinderella cake at and the other shows several cakes as well as the instructions at
I'm thinking you could just make a square cake as tall as you want the castle to be and use ice cream cones and paper flag picks to make the turrets. Or you could buy one of those pricey cake pans that come in all sorts of different shapes, including a castle. Good luck, and when it's done, post a pic on your blog. Would love to see what you come up with! Also check the website for Wonderland Bakery - they have all sorts of yummy looking cakes and other treats. :)

Becky said...

Thanks B!

I was all over that first web site! I love it! Great Ideas there!Thanks So much!