
Friday, June 29, 2007

Ain't that the truth?

Love this video! P.S. Pause the music player when you play the video :)

Thursday, June 28, 2007

My boys are AWSOME!

Ok I am feeling much Better! Hurray! WE will be going to our BBQ tonight!

Exciting news! My boys all graduated from their swim lesson levels! YES!!!!!!! I am so proud! Its on to the next levels. These are my "internet friendly" pictures of them and their certificates!


Oh.... I am sick today! I caught some icky summer stomach thing. I just want to rest.....but not today. My kids graduate from swim lessons today, my house needs to be cleaned and I am supposed to go to a BBQ tonight (I may not go to the bbq now).

Moms don't have time to be sick, especially in the summer!

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

We are growing!

Wow! Look at my garden now! It's growing and I am so very proud!

Monday, June 25, 2007

Pizza Anyone?

I love this recipe! My son wrote when he was in the 1st grade. We have had a couple years of good laughs over it!


I want to post........ I really do, but my mind has hit a wall. I can not figure out what to write about. Sometimes I wonder if I am getting old to early. I ache, I am tired, I forget everything, and alas, I am getting grey hair (Waaaahhhh)........ and now my mind has drawn a blank, and I can not think of anything to post about.

No special thoughts, no funny story, I can not think of anything!

Wait, actually I do have a funny story. Its from my past. I hope you enjoy! .............

............My Cousin and I were regulars at the good old church dances. Since it was always a possibility that we might meet our future husbands, it was very important to make a good first impression. On the down side to this, my father drove the biggest, UGLIEST, most dreadfully large, bright yellow, ford station wagon, aka “the yellow submarine”. Oh, scary were the nights when it was his turn to drive. On one particular occasion, my cousin and I requested that he drop us off a block away from the church, and we would be more than happy to walk the rest of the way. Well, my father and his sadistic mind would not have such a thing. In fact, he enjoyed that we had asked this of him. And the rest of the trip left his mind scheming. We knew that we were in for “it” as his dreamy yellow ship docked right at the front door. He rolled down the window, stuck his head out and yelled, as loud as he could, “HEY BOYS, THE GIRLS ARE HERE”. In only the purest embarrassment, we covered our heads and ran straight for the Woman’s bathroom. After 15 minutes of hiding, we came out for an enjoyable night at the youth dance.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

First Fruit of the season!

We picked our first Tomato a few days ago! We were all so excited! Everybody wanted, we cut it up into 6 pieces.....that way, we could all have a piece Mmmmmmmmm!!!!!! It was the BEST! There is nothing like a tomato picked right out of the Garden!

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Happy Fathers day!

To my Dad: Thank you for raising me to be the women that I am today. Maybe I grew up a little different than everyone else. I am grateful for that! Those things made me who I am today. You gave me the ability to cherish people and their differences. You taught me to prefer a little controversy, and not to do things just because "everyone else does".

I loved our Sunday hikes in the mountains when we were kids, those gave me a wonderful appreciating for nature and the beauty that God gave us to enjoy. You were the strongest man I knew..... always willing to scare the monsters, ghosts, and "Peeping Tom's" (Yes, we had real "Peeping Toms") away from my room.

Maybe at one time, I disliked the things that you would do to embarrass me when I was a teenager. Now, those make the best stories to tell my friends..... I love and cherish those memories(I hope that my kids can cherish that too).

I want you to know that I had a wonderful child hood, full of diversity, great memories and stories. I wouldn't have it any other way. I am grateful to our Heavenly Father for giving me such a smart, strong and loving Dad. I love you Dad!

To my father in law: I am grateful to you for raising my thoughtful and caring husband. He loves you so much. He looks up to you in every way, and strives to be as good of a father to these kids, as you were, and are to him. You have helped us in so many ways, I am so grateful to you for everything that you do for your family. You are very thoughtful, and understanding. I feel so lucky to have married into such a close and special family. I am eternally grateful to you for my husband.

To my husband: Words can not explain it. What an amazing person. I was a single mother of 3 children when I met and married him. He jumped right into fatherhood. He loves those 3 boys so much, and considers them his own. He has blessed me with me with 2 more beautiful children. I want to thank him for being open minded and willing to look at things from my point of view. He works so hard for our family, and though he complains about work, he never complains that he has to work. He loves providing for our family. I am thankful that it is him whose hand I will be holding tight for eternity. I want to thank him for his patience and love. I want him to know that I love him very much, and am grateful for the kind and loving man that he is. I Love you, Jay!

Friday, June 15, 2007

Am I getting old?

I took my kids shopping in the city today. On the way home, I was flipping through the radio stations, just looking for a good song. When finally my craving was met. "Men at work"--"Down Under".....Woohoo! I was getting down!!!!! Then enter the next song..... "The Doors"---"Light my fire". A good song too, but not the type of song that I was expecting. "That's odd" I thought to myself. Then I noticed......... I was listening to the "oldies" station! Am I getting old? Why is music from my generation playing on that station? I mean, The beetles, The Doors, The Beach Boys, they belong there. But not my 80's music. Geez!!!!!!!!

When I was a child my mother would listen to oldies, and I would think to myself "WOW, she is OLD!" . In fact, when my parents would tell me stories about their childhood I would imagine it in Black and white. After all, I only saw black and white photos of them. Everyone looked and dressed just like they came out of "Leave it to Beaver", and that show was in black and white. When I was a teenager "the wonder years" came out, it was then that it finally hit me that my parents might have lived in color.

So now I wonder, how do my kids imagine my childhood? My 6 year old doesn't mind telling me how old (or fat) he thinks I am. Heck, he pretty much thinks that MY Dad is Dinosaur.

Well, Here I am in my 30's, my parents in their 50's. They seem just over the horizon to me. The people who once seemed sooooooo ancient to me, don't seem very old at all, and before I know it, I will be in my 50's too. Yikes!

Well, here's to age.

Are you feeling like this?

If you have been invited to my "family" blog and cannot get in... please let me know via email, or by leaving a comment here.

I will do all that I can to help you!

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Garden time!

I love my garden! I am so excited to have one this year! I have 12 tomato plants, 2 pumpkin, 4 zucchini, 2 yellow squash, 6 bell pepper, 1 hot pepper, and 5 mild peppers. 2 eggplant, lots of corn, green beans, and snap peas. Mmmmmmmmm........ I can't wait to eat!
I know that I need to weed...... it's endless I wish that they would stay out of my garden.
P.S. any advice on keeping pesky ants and weeds out of my garden would be wonderful! :)