
Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Mom, are we there yet?

Well, in about a week and a half, my family will be going on vacation! We are traveling by car and it should take us about 10 hours. We are so excited! We will be staying at the "Princess Palace" With "Queen K".

Don't worry, my boys don't mind going to the princess palace, In fact they love it there! As do I!

So, I am trying to prepare for this trip....Finding someone to take care of our house and pets, getting snacks for the ride, etc..... I have 5 kids ranging in ages between 10 months and 12 years. The trip is always fun at the beginning, but once boredom sets in the trip usually turns into a big fight (kids against Parents). Any suggestions on how to entertain the wee ones during or trip would be sooooo appreciated.

I am very proud to announce that I was able to put a little itty bitty pony tail in my baby girls hair, for the first time today. Hurray!!!!! Party Party!!!!!!!!!!

I would also like to take a moment to thank Jean Knee for the delicious Good Mail yesterday. I LOVE CHOCOLATE!


B said...

Are you crazy going on a 10-hr. car trip with 5 kids?!! Geeezzz, woman, you just have the patience of Job! Just kidding.
When my girls were litte (bear in mind, there were only 2 of them) and we would go on raod trips, I loaded them up on small puzzles, hand-held travel games, coloring books, music. That was before the days of DVD players inside the car. Do you have one in yours? We also would spend time playing the ABC game with the road signs. And we made frequent potty stops. You're already collecting the snacks, so you're part way there. All these things helped, but we still had the "Are we there yet?" and "How much longer til we're there?" whining, sniveling, and the occassional fight or two. I don't envy you. Good luck!
:D Brenda

Unknown said...

If you don't stop in Fruita either on the way to the Princess Palace or the way back, I am going to bemad. I'm just sayin'. Please, at least for potty breaks and drinks.

Carrot Jello said...

I went on a 26 hour car ride to Kansas with 4 kids two years ago, and Next year we'll be doing it with 5 children, so I feel your pain.

Melissa said...

I don't have 5 kids, but it does take us 14 hours to get to my parents house. We've gone twice since moving here. The dollar store is a saving grace... I usually load up on little toys for the younger ones. Lots of snacks. We love books on tape/CD. iTunes has books you can download - even a lot of the Dr. Seuess books! Podcast has quite a few free ones you can download too. We have DVD players... I'm bad, I know, but they do help. Also, I got a book called "Fun on the Run - 324 instant family activities" Some of them are for places like Dr's offices, but some could be easily adapted for in the car. And now... forgive me for asking... but is the "Princess Palace" DisneyLand?? Or some other cool place??

Becky said...

B- Thanks for the ideas! We do not have a DVD player in car. We did, but it was more of fight, than it was a help. I will have to try some of your ideas.

Annie- We may try to stop by on our way home. Email me a way to contact you.Or I can ask Queen K.

Carrot- I Feel your pain too!

Melissa- Thanks for the ideas.... I will surely check the dollar store. Candy always works..... I will check out podcast too.... Thanks!

Becky said...

Melissa- "The Princess Palace" is my cousins(Queen K) House. I love it there! It is always a treat to stay with her!